At Calrossy, we believe in unlocking potential, and the new XP Program is doing just that—empowering students with fresh opportunities to explore their passions, develop new skills, and thrive in an engaging, hands-on environment.

XP Program
The XP Program offers students in Years 5 to 9 an exciting opportunity to explore, create, and collaborate like never before. This dynamic initiative is designed to foster cross-cohort connections, boost student engagement, and provide unique, school-developed electives that align with student interests and passions.
With a variety of activities on offer, students have eagerly embraced opportunities ranging from Rural Fire Service Cadets and Computer-Aided Design (CAD) to Pilates and the School Musical.
Just seven weeks in, there XP Program is already sparking curiousity, igniting new interests, and opening doors to new skills and friendships.
XP Facilitator, Mrs Laura Yeo, describes the program as an opportunity for students to discover new passions and skills in an engaging environment. “The XP Program is all about exploration, experimentation, and experience. Students are loving the chance to choose activities that excite them, making Monday afternoons a highlight of the school week.”
“Seven weeks in, and we’re already seeing the XP Program ignite passion and purpose in our students. It’s incredible to witness young minds opening up to new skills, fresh ideas, and possibilities they hadn’t considered before,” says Mrs Yeo.
Deputy Principal, Mrs Kelli Cato, shares her enthusiasm for the Program’s impact. “Calrossy is committed to providing enriching learning experiences that go beyond the classroom. The XP Program allows students to develop confidence, creativity, and a sense of belonging while exploring new skills and interests.”
What exactly is XP?
- The XP Program stands for:
- eXPlore new knowledge
- eXPeriment with new skills
- Have new shared eXPeriences
- eXPand career options
- eXPress creativity and individuality
- Showcase newfound eXPertise.
By offering this broad selection of activities, students are encouraged to step outside their comfort zones, challenge themselves, and connect with peers across different year levels.
The XP Program was introduced to:
- Boost student engagement with learning
- Foster cross-cohort collaboration in the Middle Years (5-9)
- Empower students to pursue strengths and interests through choice
- Expand over time to involve more year groups and longer activity sessions
- Develop well-rounded individuals with skills for lifelong learning and personal growth.
Student preferences play a key role in shaping the XP Program. Participants select their top activity choices, ensuring the program remains student-driven. The school then structures the timetable to best accommodate demand, with some activities running for specific terms and others continuing throughout the year.
The students and parents agree.
“The XP outdoor program, PASS AND PDHPE pracs this year are really helping to engage our energetic and athletic loving son. Thank you so much for bringing joy to his day,” Year 9 parent.
“I love ceramics so much I want to do it all year” Tayla, Year 8
“Mondays are the best day ever, its RFS day” Sam, Year 8
As the Program continues to evolve, Calrossy is excited about the potential to expand XP to more year levels and extend session times, further enriching the student experience.
Calrossy’s XP Program exemplifies the school’s commitment to innovative, engaging, and holistic education. “XP is about more than just activities,” says Mrs. Cato. “It’s about enriching lives, fostering purpose, and helping students grow into confident, capable individuals ready to contribute to their communities.”
With students embracing this new journey of discovery and growth, the XP Program is set to become a defining feature of the Calrossy experience.