The academic, social, emotional, spiritual and physical needs of the children are cared for by classroom teachers and the extensive welfare support offered at the School. Dedicated Leaders of Wellbeing for each year group ensure students are valued and supported as individuals.

Wellbeing and Health
Within the classroom, caring staff provide genuine pastoral care, and work with each child to teach them skills such as resilience and flexibility.
Within the classroom, caring staff provide genuine pastoral care, and work with each child to teach them skills such as resilience and flexibility.
Wellbeing with a holistic focus is a priority at Calrossy with a variety of special programs, events and strategies in place to ensure our Senior students receive the support and encouragement they need for success in and out of the classroom.
Calrossy is proud to be part of a ground breaking Federal Government initiative in 2025, called the Common Ground Project. We are one of only four schools nationwide to offer this Wellbeing program targeting health relationships, mutual respect and breaking down stereotypes. Read more here.
Welfare and Chaplaincy Team and School Psychologists
For students and families who are experiencing difficulties of any kind, support is offered through the Welfare and Chaplaincy team and School Psychologists. In Secondary each year group has a Leader of Wellbeing for boys and girls, who support and work closely with the students throughout the school term.
Expedition Program
Calrossy's Expedition program for Years 7-9 centres around targeted experiences that focus on being good friends, teamwork, wellbeing, growth and values that help shape confident, courageous individuals and team performance.
Year 7 Peer Support Program
Our youngest Secondary students are mentored and supported throughout the year by trained Year 9 student peer support leaders.
Year 8 Manhood and Womanhood Series
Specific female and male programs called encourage students to explore and embrace their uniqueness with topics such as self-worth, body image, healthy relationships, and goal setting a they continue their transition to adulthood.
Year 9 Rite of Passage Program
This Program involves Year 9 undertaking various activities and events celebrating their time at Calrossy 7-9 and preparing them for their transition to Senior Secondary.
Health Centre and School Nurses
In addition to this our Health Centre is equipped for the care of all students to ensure they are able to learn and grow in a safe, nurturing environment that supports their needs.
The Senior Secondary Campus has nursing staff on site during school hours with quiet spaces for students who need of care or rest. They assist in the care of all students requiring medication or other special heath needs. All medication is kept with the school nurses and boarders are able to access the nurses both during day school and boarding hours. Weekend clinics are run and our nursing staff are on call 24 hours a day.