We are a School community empowering young lives through Excellence in a Christian Environment.

Christian Life
In and out of the classroom we seek to communicate values and beliefs based on the Christian faith and the hope that Jesus offers.
Our core values are:
- Selflessness
- Inclusiveness
- Resilience
- Integrity.
In Senior School students investigate and discuss key questions and issues that provide challenges to the Christian faith; learn about other religions and the points at which they and Christianity connect and differ; and learn of a variety of different worldviews and ethical theories, preparing them for reflection upon and insightful critiquing of a variety of religious and philosophical ideas.
Students are encouraged to grow in their awareness of the Christian faith and the hope that Jesus offers. Students build on their knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and lessons explore His teachings and their relevance in today's world in more depth.
Lunchtime groups offer interested students the opportunity to explore their Christian Faith further with likeminded peers and our Chaplaincy staff. Opportunities are given for students to exercise Christian leadership in these groups and in weekly Chapel Services. The weekly Chapel services allow all students to come together and celebrate and further their knowledge of the beliefs and values of the Anglican Church.
Regular Community Prayer meetings are also held for the wider Calrossy community and family and friends.
We welcome students of all faiths and backgrounds, focusing on the core value of inclusiveness. Calrossy seeks to create a respectful environment where every student is valued as an individual and all families are welcomed into our School community.