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Junior School students open books and minds at National Simultaneous Storytime

Photos and story courtesy of The Northern Daily Leader

Children from across the country, including Tamworth, have joined to read the same book at the same time on Wednesday, May 24, as part of National Simultaneous Storytime.

This year the book was The Speedy Sloth, which was written by Rebecca Young and illustrated by Heath McKenzie.  Year 4 student at Calrossy Anglican School Edward Ross said he was "super excited" to read the story because he love sloths.

"You get to learn about new books and find a new book you may love," he said.

The event is organised by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and aims to promote the value of reading and literacy. It also addresses key learning areas of the National Curriculum for primary school students.

At Calrossy both school captains read to the kindergarten classes, while deputy principal Mark Doran read to the Year 3 cohort.

Head of Junior School Claire Smith said the best part of the day is fostering the children's love of reading.

At Calrossy both school captains read to the kindergarten classes, while Head of Junior School, Mrs Claire Smith read to Year 2 and 5 and deputy principal Mark Doran read to the Year 3 cohort.

"Literary helps us to make sense of the world," she said.

"So when we can communicate effectively we can understand the world around us and connect with others."

Mrs Smith said it's important to build a love of reading from a early age, as it's a skill the children will take into later life.