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Catching up with Logan Gunthorpe (Class of 2015)

As we continue to reconnect with past students we caught up with Logan Gunthorpe from the Class of 2015 who has returned home to Tamworth after finding a new calling in life.

Following graduation from Calrossy Logan went to Bond University to study Architecture and then had a gap year as a nanny in Brisbane.

“I had been granted early entry to Bond University with a leadership scholarship to study Architecture. My purpose in choosing Architecture was never to become an Architect but to graduate and find a career in either Graphic or Interior design. Architecture at Bond is a 4-year degree, accelerated into 2 years. This made my time at Bond quite intense and challenging, but I learned many skills, and life lessons, and met some great people whom I keep in contact with today. My degree even took me to Japan for a study tour (this was very interesting imagine 10 smelly boys and me the only girl, for 2 weeks…how fun),” she says.

“After University I took a year off to live in Brisbane with my partner at the time and became a nanny to three beautiful kids. I highly encourage anyone thinking about becoming a nanny to absolutely go for it! It is extremely rewarding being a part of their life and you learn so much about not only looking after children but a household as well. My day started at 6am and finished at 6pm. I got them ready for school, did the school drop-offs before spending the day doing housekeeping, running errands for the family, and went to the occasional school assembly to watch the kids get awards. I picked the kids up from school, did the sport drop-offs, helped with homework, and cooked dinner (I actually started a fire one night – I have a burn on my finger to prove it. Note: never leave butchers paper near a gas stove!),” says Logan.

After a classic young love heartbreak, Logan said goodbye to her Brisbane family and decided to come home to Tamworth - this is where she found a new calling in life.

When looking for a job she reached out to a very good family friend Mark Slack-Smith to see if he knew anywhere hiring.

“He was a partner of an accounting firm at the time and they were looking for a receptionist. I always had an interest in business and loved customer service, so I thought why not? Staying true to my year 12 farewell message, I had two-year plan. Work and save money to move to Melbourne to pursue a career in Interior Design.”

Logan did many short courses in home styling while working as a receptionist and four years later her plan looked a lot different.

“I left my receptionist job to join Mark Slack-Smith at his very own firm, Slack-Smith Financial, where I am now the Office Manager and am loving every minute of it. I take care of our people, our office culture, career development, events, as well as Mark’s day-to-day life.”

“No surprise as Business Studies with Mr Howey was one of my favourite subjects,” she says.

Logan says this subject has helped immensely in her new-founded career. “I write up business plans and attend management meetings as well as perform as a Human Resources Manager.”

Recalling her years at Calrossy, Logan says she was Cultural Captain for Ellaroo, which she says was the highlight of her time at the School (if you couldn’t tell from reading her farewell message).

“Being elected Cultural Captain for Ellaroo was a dream of mine ever since I attended an Experience Day back in 2009. I saw each house get up on stage led by their cultural captain and hoped that would someday be me. Throughout school I was very reserved and you would never catch me getting up in front of people, I always dreaded assignments that involved speeches. But when I became cultural captain a different side of me appeared and I loved leading an amazing group of girls,” she recalls.

“This was the biggest highlight of my time at Calrossy. It brought out so much confidence in myself to lead and communicate in front of so many people. When I lead large groups of people now, I know I can do it because I think of that 18-year-old girl who got up wearing huge red angel wings and conducted the best version of Belinda Carlisle’s Heaven is a Place on Earth you’ll ever hear.”

She now knows why people are always saying school is the best time of your life.

“My time at Calrossy has been the best part of my life, I always wish I could go back,” she says.

Besides Business Studies, Logan also fondly remembers Mr Mark Ambrose who guided her in her career choices and through university. Mrs Jane Brennan who taught Logan Visual Arts throughout her time at Calrossy was a huge influence on Logan. When she moved back to Tamworth she moved in with Jane and her husband Joel and they are still friends today.

“Thank you for giving me the best secondary education which I will cherish forever,” she says.

“My life now looks a little like this. Besides working at Slack-Smith Financial where I am helping build a firm to be the best it can be, I also help my best friend who owns a cake business here in Tamworth, Sweet Petites. I take care of all things Graphic design, and Marketing. I bought a house in 2021 which I am slowly renovating, and I have an adorable cavoodle puppy, Millie. Travel is in my plans for next year…I am thinking of a European summer maybe that’s where I will find Nate my dream man from circa 2015.”   (you can read Logan's Tamworthian entry below!)