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Students smash record in World's Greatest Shave

The tradition of the World’s Greatest Shave continued at Calrossy Anglican School in February with the Year 12 students shaving, cutting and colouring their hair for the great cause.

With the counting still continuing Calrossy has smashed its previous record set last year of $35,000 with the Class of 2024 raising more than $45,000 for the work of the Leukaemia Foundation.

The students had already raised in excess of $32,000 before today but a series of silent and live auctions, alongside gold coin donations from across the School, saw the fundraising total climb well past the students’ goal.

The amazing effort meant that Principal, David Smith, had his hair and eyebrows shaved by the students as promised earlier.

“The World’s Greatest Shave has become a great annual tradition at Calrossy and it is wonderful to see our students contribute to such a worthy cause which has touched every family in one way or another,” says Mr Smith.

“It is fundraising events such as this which build on Calrossy’s commitment to the community and our Whole School focus on student service.”

The haircuts and colour were absolutely crazy, with many of the Year 12 girls also having their ponytails cut for the cause and the entire school wearing crazy hair for the day.

But staff assisted with the event the day was primarily driven by the Year 12’s with Sarah Robertson and Ella Fittler  and the Calrossy SRC the driving force behind organising the event.

Many of the students participating have been at Calrossy since Prep and looking forward to this event for years.

“We have always seen the graduating class participate in the World’s Greatest Shave and contribute to such as great cause, supporting families across Australia. As a year group we have really enjoyed raising money for the Leukaemia Foundation and had a lot of fun in the process,” says Year 12 student, Max Thompson.

“We are very proud as the Class of 2024 to have set a new record for Calrossy in the World’s Greatest Shave and hope this tradition continues for many years to come.”

A big shout out also to Year 12 student Mitchell Taylor who played the role of auctioneer for the event. The talented student ensured the students whose hair cuts were auctioned all fetched top dollar. Special mention also to Archie Barnett and Sam Bishton who were the top two fundraisers online each pulling in more than $2000 for the great cause.